name: create TCP socket via raw AFD driver
namespace: communication/socket/tcp
static: function
dynamic: unsupported
- Communication::Socket Communication::Create TCP Socket [C0001.011]
- 0fd8330e00aa48676d6d0c4f36e9a80b:0x1400132B0
# FLIRT FP: ?DERReencode@CryptoPP@@YAXAEAVBufferedTransformation@1@0@Z
# - 59a6c5036241a2f604e755bf523eb084:0x1400010D0
- and:
# wanted, but the routine is resolved via GetProcAddress into a global
# - api: ntdll.NtCreateFile
- api: kernel32.CreateEvent
- string: "\\Device\\Afd\\Endpoint"
- or:
- description: a hardcoded byte array that provides the socket details to the AFD driver via "extended attributes".
# the raw byte sequence
- bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 0F 1E 00 41 66 64 4F 70 65 6E 50 61 63 6B 65 74 58 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 EF 3D 47 FE = bExtendedAttributes for IPv4 TCP
# in the example code, in debug mode, the array is constructed bytewise on the stack
- basic block:
- and:
- description: bExtendedAttributes for IPv4 TCP on stack, bytewise
# i've kept the values approximately in order while removing some duplicates for clarity
- number: 0x00
- number: 0x0F
- number: 0x1E
- number: 0x41 = A
- number: 0x66 = f
- number: 0x64 = d
- number: 0x4F = O
- number: 0x70 = p
# - number: 0x65 = e
- number: 0x6E = n
- number: 0x50 = P
- number: 0x61 = a
- number: 0x63 = c
- number: 0x6B = k
- number: 0x65 = e
- number: 0x74 = t
- number: 0x58 = X
- number: 0x02
- number: 0x01
- number: 0x06
# - number: 0x00
- number: 0x60
- number: 0xEF
- number: 0x3D
- number: 0x47
- number: 0xFE
# in the example code, in release mode, the array is constructed word-wise on the stack
- basic block:
- and:
- description: bExtendedAttributes for IPv4 TCP on stack, wordwise
- number: 0x1E0F00 = bExtendedAttributes+0x4
- number: 0x4F646641 = AfdO
- number: 0x506E6570 = penP
- number: 0x656B6361 = acke
- number: 0x585874 = tXx
- number: 6 = IPPROTO_TCP
- number: 1 = SOCK_STREAM
- number: 2 = AF_INET
- number: 0x473DEF60 = bExtendedAttributes+0x34
- number: 0x0FE = bExtendedAttributes+0x38
- optional:
- api: NtCreateFile
- api: NtDeviceIoControlFile
- api: kernel32.WaitForSingleObject
- number: 0x12003 = IOCTL_AFD_BIND
- number: 0x12007 = IOCTL_AFD_CONNECT
- number: 0x12017 = IOCTL_AFD_RECV
- number: 0x1201F = IOCTL_AFD_SEND
last edited: 2025-01-28 11:54:17